Jogging Program
Jogging club is a highly popular year-long noon-time activity, and students participate in it after they finish their lunch. This is open to grades 1-5. It generally starts in the beginning of October and ideally runs 3 days a week (MWF), but may be fewer depending on volunteer availability.
We have a WhatsApp group created for the Jogging Club volunteers for communication. If any volunteer is not able to come for any reason, someone from the group is available to substitute. As a result it is very flexible for the volunteers.
We need about 2-3 volunteers from 12-1pm on the club days. Volunteers need not come on all the days, they can choose whichever day they want. Students run around the Faria field and volunteers count the laps done by the kids. We keep track of all the laps done by the kids individually throughout the year and award badges at 10 miles (40 laps), 20 Miles (80 laps) and trophies for 25 miles (100 laps) and above.
Badges are given during the jogging club days and trophies are awarded at the end of the year (usually in late May a week or two before school closes in early June) by the Principal in the GLC during noon time.