Parents, Teachers, and Students:
Would you like a chance to contribute your photography to the yearbook? If so, then download the Balfour Image Share App and upload your best photos to project #818334 (This project number is for 2017-2018 and changes every year). Images should capture two or more children engaged in various Faria activities. Please, no static and posed group shots. All photos will be reviewed by the editing team and not all photos submitted will be selected. Make sure to include classroom numbers and a brief explanation of the photo when uploading.
To purchase a yearbook, please go to www.balfour.com. They will cost $26 until March 31st, 2018. From April 1st to May 27th, they will cost $31. All yearbooks will be delivered to the school. After May 28th, if we have any extra yearbooks, they will be on sale outside the office after school, but they will cost $40 then. These are example prices for 2017-2018 and can vary.
For yearbook related enquiries please email to fariayearbook.17@gmail.com
If you want to be part of the Yearbook committee, it is an opportunity to contribute to your kids school at your own pace and time convenience. Most of the work can be done remotely.
There are many areas in which you can help based on your interest and time constraint.
Yearbook Photographers: Take pictures of the various events at the school and submit them to the design team. For example, Geo bee, Spelling Bee, Book Fair, Sports team in action, etc. Time commitment will vary based on the events you choose to sign up for.
Create Yearbook Pages: Take on the ownership of designing and creating certain pages from the yearbook like Science Night, Halloween etc. Time commitment will span anywhere from January thru mid-March. This is a project that can be done on your own time.
Yearbook Order Processing: Process yearbook orders as they come in and track payments. This job can be done remotely as well. Time commitment will span anywhere from April through May.
Yearbook Distribution: After the yearbooks are delivered to school in May, they need to be sorted out by class and student for distribution. Time commitment will be for an hour or so for couple of days in May end or first week of June at the school office. This project will require you to come to school but timings can be flexible based on your availability.