Step into Fun & Fitness with Our Faria Walkathon!
Join us for an exciting day of walking, running, and raising funds for our beloved school!
Welcome to the Faria's "the biggest event of the year", WALKATHON on Friday, April 5th from 3-7 pm. FEEF proudly sponsors it for the school community.
What to Expect:
Family Fun: Gather your loved ones and embark on a journey of health and happiness together!
Community Spirit: Connect with fellow students, teachers, and neighbors as we stride towards a common goal.
Exciting Prizes: Win fabulous prizes for top fundraisers, and more!
Delicious Refreshments and Food: Energize yourself with tasty treats and drinks along the route and on campus
Live Entertainment: Groove to music and enjoy keeping your spirits high!
Whether you walk, jog, skip, or dance, every step counts towards supporting our school's initiatives and programs. Let's walk together towards a brighter future for education!
📝 Register Now for volunteering:
Adult volunteer: https://signup.com/go/ASUGLVT
Student volunteer: https://signup.com/go/HhCsjUF
📣 Spread the Word: Share this event with friends, family, and colleagues! The more, the merrier!
📞 For more information, contact us at fariawalkaround@gmail.com or Faria.feef@gmail.com
Let's lace up our sneakers and make a difference, one step at a time! See you at the Walkathon!
T-shirts, parking permit and waiver forms will be sent home the day before walkaround day.
Parent/Guardian signs the waiver form and brings to school on event day. This is NOT a drop-off event. Parents must be present during the time of the event.
Students have 6 weeks to collect pledge donations. An online pledge tool Faria Walkathon is available in addition to collecting in person donation. The last day to donate through online tool is Saturday, April 11. Details regarding the online tool and steps to create your child’s account will be sent out as an email.
Faria families are requested to assist with the following:
Sign up to Volunteer
Create walkstarter page for your child and share the link with friends and family to donate and help your kids raise funds for the school.
Check-in begins at 3 pm on event day
Volunteers will mark your Lap Card as you complete each lap. (Make sure your card gets marked, or you won’t get credit for the lap!)
When the walker is finished for the day or needs to leave, the lap cards must be turned in at Check Out. If a student leaves and returns to the Walkaround, lap cards will be given back to them upon their return. Lap cards may not leave campus while the track is open.
You must wear your own Lap Card and do your own walking to have your laps counted. You are responsible for keeping your card. Replacing lost or damaged cards will be at the discretion of the Walkaround Committee.
The due date to return all the donations/pledges to school is Friday, April 10.
For any questions/concerns, please contact faria walkaround team.
3.00 PM - Walkaround check-in begins
3.30 pm to 6.45 pm - Food booth - Menu and pricing will be posted 1 week before the event day
7.00 pm - Walkaround ends, walkers return lap cards at check out tables
7.00 pm - Clean up begins. Volunteer help greatly appreciated.
A great smile and lots of energy to walk
Cash for food and refreshments, Henna, Tattoo booth, Cake walk